Monday, 27 October 2014

Halloween *Party Look* Butterfly fly away~

我諗好多女仔都同我一樣鍾意蝴蝶 :) 我覺得蝴蝶好靚好unique!  
今次想分享一下這個butterfly inspired look都好適合去party!

I think that butterflies are beautiful and unique..this time I would like to share my butterfly inspired makeup, which is quite suitable for parties and especially with Halloween coming up! 

然後可以用黑色gel liner開始做outline

First, start off with the lighter shades from inner to can add in the colors you like, but I prefer this rainbow shade..the wings doesn't need to be perfect, just approximately is fine, because after shaping the wings, i would use a black gel liner to draw the outlines of the butterfly. Then just casually draw in a few more curls.  
If you don't want it to look too plain, I'd added some white dots using a white eye liner pencil around the eyes and the butterfly to make it look more lively! 

完成了希望大家鐘意這個蝴蝶look :p
Ta-daaa~ I hope you all like this butterfly makeup :p

Don't forget to follow me on instagram on: or Facebook: makeup.irenew

Friday, 17 October 2014

*粉底液分享* Review: bareMinerals Pure Brightening Serum Foundation

其實我哋每日都搽好多chemicals喺塊面道,所以今次見到bareMinerals Serum Foundation個description好似有好多護膚功能 especially 無有害防腐劑!! 真係幾吸引所以忍唔住買咗返屋企試吓!

Do you realize how much chemicals we put on our faces each day? You would be surprised! SO, this serum foundation claims itself with No Fragrance,  No Paraben, No water, oil or silicone and yes, it absolutely got me!! 

喱一set 有6樣 products: 
So this set came with 6 things:

  •  Pure Brightening Serum Foundation (我買的是8 號 Bare Beige, 帶點金色/ golden tone) The shade I got was 08 Bare Beige.
  • Brush
  • Prime Time: Foundation Primer (Original)
  • Loose powder with mini brush
  • Makeup bag

收先我試咗個Primer.  唔知點解我搖咗好多吓,pump出嚟都係好稀. 咗上面個texture都好滑,但係都係覺得有啲乾..

First of all, the Primer - I'm not sure why it still came out very watery after I had shake it vigorously. The texture is very smooth and silky once applied on the face, but I think it dried up my skin pretty quickly.  

到上粉底液喇~記住先要搖勻粉底液! 真係哂全面.

Next is the foundation~ Remember to shake it well so that the ingredients inside will mix thoroughly. And I'm quite surprised that only 2 drops are enough for my face.


第一次用我覺得好易推, 同埋好, 仲見到真係明亮! 但係塊面會有一達達!!! 可能轉季, 皮膚比平時乾 :( 
第二日我上粉底前用咗上次買嘅 bareMinerals Nourishing Cream, make sure 塊面夠保濕先上粉就冇再一達達或脫皮喇! 不過到了2-3pm個鼻平時冇乜油都出油了.. 
所以我覺得可能未必太適合乾性皮膚用:(  at least 唔係好適合我用..
我已經冇再用了such a waste..

First time using it - I think it was easy to apply and I like how it's very thin layered and it gives you an instant glow.  But my face looked patchy after applying it all over my face, it could be due to the recent weather change and that my skin is still not yet adapted to it. 
The next day, I gave it a second try and before applying the foundation, I made sure my skin was moist enough so I'd applied the bareMinerals Noursihing Cream.  It looked less patchy, however, around 2-3pm (after my lunch time) my T-zone area became a little greasy/ oily.  So after all I think this foundation isn't really for me :( 
最後就係這個loose mineral powder: 好幼細,同埋有點閃粉可以令到個妝更有光澤. 但係我唔會用拒送嘅mini brush,因為好"吉".

Lastly, it's this mini loose powder.  It's very light and has some glitter or shimmer in it which I believe brightens up your skin, but I don't find it that amazing. And I wouldn't want to use the brush it came with because the hair is so hard and makes it very uncomfortable! 

Overall, 我唔係好鐘意個serum foundation :( 有點失望. 最鐘意係個loose powder, 因為個size夠細, 好方便放喺公司隨時補妝!

Overall, I don't like this serum foundation :( In fact, it's very disappointing. Loose powder was the one thing I liked most, mostly because of the size, it's so cute and handy that I just leave it in the office to touch up anytime! 

產品購自FACESS @ Ocean Terminal for HKD 695
Product purchased from FACESS in Ocean Terminal for HKD 695

Above is purely my personal sharing and feelings

Don't forget to follow me on instagram on: or Facebook: makeup.irenew

Thursday, 9 October 2014

*懶人美甲* :: BERSHKA :: Absolutely Gorgeous nail polish!

一向都很喜歡pastel colour的我今次經過Berskha 見到這set 指甲油即刻caught my attentions!
I have always been a fond of pastel colours!! This time, I walked pass Bershka, and this set of cute nail polish absolutely caught my attentions!!

睇下幾多五顏六色的粹點 *好興奮* 
Look at the colourful little pieces!! *excited*

One layer applied:

Here is what two layers looks like:

等了大概五分鐘都乾了我覺得還算快乾最後最好塗多一層Top coat, 這樣D顏色點點就不會咁易脫落可以last D.

三隻顏色之中,我覺得紫色最靚因為佢同啲顏色粒粒contrastD。 而白色同紅色個底都係有點透。

好快就可以有咁colourful嘅指甲! 間單又方便,唔需要自己另外買閃粉再整.

I waited for around 5 minutes there about and it dried up, I think it dried up pretty quickly.  It’s always best to apply a layer of top coat over it, so that this will protect the little pieces from falling off and would be much more long lasting.

Overall, I liked the purple colour the most, this is because I think it goes really well with the scattered pieces. Whereas with the pink and white one, I think the base colour itself is too diluted, can still kind of see through  after 2-3 layers and you have to try to spread it evenly.

It’s so simple and don’t need to purchase other glitters to  make over it!  
Anyway, I liked it, it’s so colourful that makes me cheerful just looking at them J

P.S 喜歡我的baby pooh & baby piglet ?? Hehe
Do you like my baby pooh & baby piglet?? :)

Nail Polish 購自Berskha @ 奧海城: HKD 69
Product purchased from Berskha in Olympian Mall HK for HKD69

Don't forget to follow me on instagram on: or Facebook: makeup.irenew

Thursday, 2 October 2014

*護膚品分享* 轉季要保濕!! 第一次用 bareMinerals

bareMinerals: Purely Nourishing Cream

最近轉季,皮膚都變到特別乾 >.<   上個星期行FACESS時就買咗喱一個bareMinerals Purely Nourishing Cream with rareMinerals active Soil Complex for Dry Skin.   這是針對乾性膚質,滋潤成分能深入滲透肌膚底層,賦予極致的潤澤效果蘊含專利 ActiveSoil Complex 活能礦物複合物.

我自己係屬於乾性皮膚同埋容易敏感因為轉天氣,上完foundation 時有D位會脫皮:(
但係而家早上搽咗佢之後再上foundation, 皮膚就冇再脫皮或一達達咁夜晚做晩霜,第二朝早塊面都滑哂 *好開心*
cream 個質地好creamy 但係一D都唔""!   夠哂保濕又滋潤。 我覺得好適合秋冬季用呀!

買這個cream時,還送了兩支 bareMinerals multi-wrinkle repair / 多重礦物抗皺精華  含獨家研發的礦物複合物及天然成分如稻米縮氨酸、棕櫚醯低聚肽等.

 Specialist話可以搽喺眼嘅周邊都OK, 質地似 gel 但係我未開始用! :p

 產品購自FACESS @ Ocean Terminal 300 HKD

Don't forget to follow me on instagram on: or Facebook: makeup.irenew