我諗好多女仔都同我一樣鍾意蝴蝶 :) 我覺得蝴蝶好靚好unique!
今次想分享一下這個butterfly inspired look, 都好適合去party㗎!
I think that butterflies are beautiful and unique..this time I would like to share my butterfly inspired makeup, which is quite suitable for parties and especially with Halloween coming up!
首先由淺至深色畫上隻翼(隻翼通常上面大過下面, 大概就ok)
然後可以用黑色gel liner開始做outline
First, start off with the lighter shades from inner to outer..you can add in the colors you like, but I prefer this rainbow shade..the wings doesn't need to be perfect, just approximately is fine, because after shaping the wings, i would use a black gel liner to draw the outlines of the butterfly. Then just casually draw in a few more curls.
If you don't want it to look too plain, I'd added some white dots using a white eye liner pencil around the eyes and the butterfly to make it look more lively!
Ta-daaa~ I hope you all like this butterfly makeup :p
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