Tuesday, 25 November 2014

How I Touch up my makeup

將近年尾,特別多gatherings! 返咗成日工, 個妝都需要touch up吓㗎!
It's the time of the year where we are all busy with catching up with friends and lots of gatherings.  Well, after a long day at work, you definitely need to touch up your makeup before seeing your friends right.

Below are the 3 products that I'd use to touch up my makeup:


1. Lemongrass House:: Rose Absolute face mist
2. Shiseido:: Sheer Eye Zone Concealer
3. bareMinerals:: Mineral Veil (loose powder)


先用 rose water refresh吓.  因為玫瑰水保濕成份高,又適合敏感皮膚,所以我都覺得幾好!
然後到主角喇!! Shiseido Sheer Eye Zone Corrector ::  

不是新東西,但係之前買咗一直都唔記得用! 最近日日都用補妝, 真係越來越鍾意!! 我鍾意佢保濕度高, 耐咗唔會出乾紋又夠持久, D都唔厚妝 :) 不過就要花少少時間推開去. (我用的是104號色) 之後再上少少粹粉咁就可以靚哂去見朋友喇!

Spending at least 8 hours in the office with air conditioning, no doubt your skin would dry up. I would first spray rose water to refresh my skin, then use :: Shiseido Sheer Eye Zone Corrector for the main touch up.  Mostly to cover the dark circle areas or use it as a highlighter.  I like this product a lot because its moisture enough and is long lasting. The texture is not thick at all and it doesn't crease the lines below my eyes, but you will need to spend a few more minutes to blend it out evenly.  Lastly, lightly use the bareMinerals loose powder over the face and you're all good to go :)

1. Lemongrass House:: Rose Absolute face mist -- purchased from Bangkok
2. Shiseido:: Sheer Eye Zone Concealer  -- purchased from Shiseido @ Wing On
3. bareMinerals:: Mineral Veil (loose powder) -- purchased from Facess along with the foundation set
Please don't forget to follow me on facebook: makeup.irenew instagram: irenew.makeup

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

*我的秋冬眼線妝* My Aututm/Winter Eye Line Style*

哩個係CLIO:: Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liner Mini :: The Color of 2014. 雖然2014年就快完,我只係一直買咗都冇機會用  但係而家終於到秋/冬天喇我覺得紫色同秋冬季好襯,所以最近先成日用佢。

CLIO:: Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liner Mini :: The Color of 2014.  Although we are only a month away into the new year, I actually purchased this quite a while ago but never got the chance to use it until recent, because it's finally the autumn / winter season!! I always think that purple is a winter colour, so lately it has become my favourite style.  

Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liner哩五隻紫色真係好靚呀,同埋可以有好多玩法。
最淺色:: Shine Lavender No. 12 可以當作highlight畫喺眼頭.
第二淺 :: Frozen Lavender No. 13都比較淺,如果單做眼線會令到隻眼好細, 一定要同其他色blend.
最深色:: Blackish Orchid No. 16 可以當平時黑色咁用,畫喺上眼線位置.
This pack of mini Gelpresso Pencil Gel Liner are gorgeous! Because it has 5 different tones of purple, you can actually do a lot with it and have different look. And I love the packing of it, so convenient to carry around.
Shine Lavender No. 12 :: The lightest shade, can be used a highlight
Frozen Lavender No. 13 :: The slightly lighter shade, I think that this purple is kind of pale, and if you used it alone as an eye liner it will actually make your eyes look smaller, so it goes better when blending it with a darker shade or other colours
Blackish Orchid No. 16:: The darkest purple of all, I like to use it as a substitute of black.


2014 Orchid No. 14 & Bloody Purple No. 15 係我嘅最愛!  我會先用紫色畫上上眼線,然後喺貼近睫毛上用black liquid eyeliner 幼幼咁畫多一條眼線,咁樣望落去會令到隻眼精靈 D, 同埋唔會咁悶! 日日唔係黑色或啡色眼線真係幾悶㗎!
2014 Orchid No. 14 & Bloody Purple No. 15 are my favourites of the 5!! I would use the purple liner to draw on my top liner, then use a black liquid eye liner to draw a very thin and fine line above it.  This would give your eyes are more define look.  I like this drawing because I get tired of looking at myself always in either black or brown eye line!


D人可能怕紫色好誇張,其實唔會㗎。就好似 Bloody purple No. 15 比較subtle, 大家可以試吓 
Some people may think that purple might be a bit overwhelming, but actually it's not! Look at Bloody purple No. 15, it is rather subtle and is worth a try and I'm sure you will like it

購置 LCX
Product purchased from LCX

 Please don’t forget to follow me on Instagram: irenew.makeup Facebook: makeup.irenew