將近年尾,特別多gatherings! 返咗成日工, 個妝都需要touch up吓㗎!
It's the time of the year where we are all busy with catching up with friends and lots of gatherings. Well, after a long day at work, you definitely need to touch up your makeup before seeing your friends right.
Below are the 3 products that I'd use to touch up my makeup:
1. Lemongrass House:: Rose Absolute face mist
2. Shiseido:: Sheer Eye Zone Concealer
3. bareMinerals:: Mineral Veil (loose powder)
先用 rose water refresh吓. 因為玫瑰水保濕成份高,又適合敏感皮膚,所以我都覺得幾好!
然後到主角喇!! Shiseido Sheer Eye Zone Corrector ::
不是新東西,但係之前買咗一直都唔記得用! 最近日日都用佢補妝, 真係越來越鍾意!! 我鍾意佢保濕度高, 耐咗唔會出乾紋又夠持久, 一D都唔厚妝 :) 不過就要花少少時間推開去. (我用的是104號色) 之後再上少少粹粉咁就可以靚哂去見朋友喇!
Spending at least 8 hours in the office with air conditioning, no doubt your skin would dry up. I would first spray rose water to refresh my skin, then use :: Shiseido Sheer Eye Zone Corrector for the main touch up. Mostly to cover the dark circle areas or use it as a highlighter. I like this product a lot because its moisture enough and is long lasting. The texture is not thick at all and it doesn't crease the lines below my eyes, but you will need to spend a few more minutes to blend it out evenly. Lastly, lightly use the bareMinerals loose powder over the face and you're all good to go :)
1. Lemongrass House:: Rose Absolute face mist -- purchased from Bangkok
2. Shiseido:: Sheer Eye Zone Concealer -- purchased from Shiseido @ Wing On
3. bareMinerals:: Mineral Veil (loose powder) -- purchased from Facess along with the foundation set
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