Monday, 26 October 2015


Halloween又快到喇, 今個月如果有party去的話,不防化吓啲玩味妝啦.


今次我用的是Kate 眼線筆. 畫幼同粗線都好易handle.

一開始可以在眼角位置畫上蜘蛛網, 然後慢慢加上蜘蛛仔.
It's this time of the year again - Halloween - where people dress up for Halloween parties, how about trying something different with a Halloween makeup?
All you need to draw something cool is one liquid eyeliner. This time I used Kate Liquid eyeliner, it's very thin and dark which is really easy to handle as well.
Start at the corner of the eye with a spider web and then slowly add in as many spiders as you desire.

蜘蛛仔點樣畫? 非常簡單!  
How to draw spiders? It's super easy.

1. 畫一個細圓圈(這是個頭) Start with a little circle - as the head

2. 然後畫一個大少少的做身體 Draw a slightly larger circle beneath it as the body

3. 頭上畫兩隻幼幼的(向上的), 身上隨意畫上唔同方向的幼線做add on thin legs on each side of the body as the spider legs - make sure they are long and thin.

4. 完成! And you're done!

如果想多少少變化,另一邊面可以用同一支眼線筆畫上不同大細的黑鳥, 令整個妝容很有神秘感!
If you are looking for variations, try this on the other side of the face - by drawing different size of black birds to increase the mysterious look!

Hope you all enjoyed this and Happy Halloween !!

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Wednesday, 14 October 2015

不含添加劑,防腐劑及化學製劑 :: Enspri 深層平衡保濕乳液

皮膚成日都好乾,又唔上粉...點算好? 其實好多時都可能係因為用嘅護膚品只保濕皮膚表面,而冇去到深層同冇鎖緊肌底層的水份.
Enspri 係美國美容品牌.  深層平衡保濕乳液{日霜}(Hydra Balance Deeply Hydrating and Firming Moisturizer) :: 佢嘅獨特配方能鎖緊肌底層的水份及膠原蛋白和彈性蛋白, 仲有效減淡細紋同皺紋添!


維太命E, 角鯊烯 - 都係具有高效抗氧化能力,能減少細紋產生.
透明質酸 & Jojoba Oil  - 保濕性極佳,而Jojoba oil 仲會防止水份流失.
乳木果油 - 可以穩定,保持細胞間複雜的結構,對修復脫水肌膚及深蹭皺紋有奇效
我用完都覺得好滋潤,質地一D都唔會”笠”, 夠哂保濕!! 尤其是日日都喺冷氣環境下,選用保濕又鎖水功能嘅護膚品真係好重要㗎!! 















Price: HKD 740 / 50ml

Product can be purchased: 
or 全線卓悅 

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

IRENE W. Makeup website

IRENE W. MAKEUP  has finally launched their website!
Going forward, please visit for beauty blogs and check out my work

Thank you!